What is Square roots and surface area

This unit we are learning about Square roots.Now i am gonna tell you what is square roots.

Square root is a  number that  times itself.

Example-Square root of √81 is 9 because 9×9=81

Surface area is a the total area of surface of three-dimensional object.

I dont really know a lot about surface area.

What is exponent?

This week we just finished our unit on exponent.This blog will tell you what is exponent.

A power is represented with base number and exponent.Exponent is a symbol that is written above and to the right of a number to show how many times the number is to be multiplied itself.

Example:    43

The base is 4 and the exponent is 3.

In order to write it in the multiplication form you have do 4x4x4

Standard from  64.

Watch this video to learn more about exponents.